Home Aquatic Why a Smart Phone Can Benefit Coaches

Why a Smart Phone Can Benefit Coaches


Tech Tuesday: Why a Smart Phone Can Be a Highly Beneficial Coaching Tool

Depending on the item, some technology is more readily available to coaches than others. However, all coaches have access to a Smart Phone, and in this week’s edition of Tech Tuesday, coach Andrew Sheaff discusses some of the advantages of using a phone during practice.

One advantage of a Smart Phone emphasized by Sheaff is the opportunity for swimmers to see themselves in action. Not all swimmers have watched themselves in the water, and the chance to recognize their mistakes and combine coaching tips with visual support can go a long way. Using a phone to video swimmers and playing back the video might sound simple, but it is also highly effective in communicating information.

Another advantage addressed by Sheaff that can be accomplished through the use of Smart Phone video is emphasizing how much change a swimmer is making when focusing on a specific component of their stroke. Video will show how much of a change has been made and what next steps are required. If a swimmer argues that he/she has overhauled a technique, video will confirm that only smallish adjustments have taken place.

Who Is Coach Andrew Sheaff

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