Holiday Gift Ideas From a Swimmer: We Know What We Want…and Can Use
By Casey McNulty & Edie Sawyer
It’s that time of the year again. The holiday season is upon us, which means it is time to start forming your list of gift ideas, to finish up shopping. The great thing about being an athlete is that when you want something new for your sport, nine times out of 10, you probably need it, too. As swimmers, it is only natural for us to want new printed suits and the latest version of our favorite goggles. Listed below are 10 gift ideas for swimmers to ask for this holiday season!
Practice Suits
Photo Courtesy:
From swimming every day, sometimes twice a day, swimmers are going to need new practice suits eventually. The holidays are a great time to ask for new suits, as most swimwear brands are probably coming out with new patterns and colors.
New Goggles
The more you wear the same pair of goggles, the more they will start to fog up, lose their suction and maybe even get a little moldy. The holiday season is right around the corner so make sure to add new practice or racing goggles to your list if you are in need.

Photo Courtesy: Dermasport
One of the easiest ways to spot out a swimmer is by looking at their skin. Most swimmers struggle with dry or irritated skin due to being in the pool so much when the chlorine levels are high. Finding a nice moisturizer or lotion would be a great gift to get as a swimmer, and their skin will appreciate it.
Swimmer’s Shampoo/Conditioner
From being in the pool so much, swimmers’ hair tends to get easily damaged from the chlorine and other chemicals that their hair accumulates. Swimmers’ shampoo and conditioner will help maintain healthy hair and prevent discoloration and damage.
Waterproof Shoes
Having a pair of waterproof shoes to walk around in on deck is a nice thing to have as a swimmer. Sometimes the pool deck can be kind of gross, so it never hurts to have a pair of waterproof shoes on hand.

Drexel teammates proudly sport their parkas. Photo Courtesy: Megan Clark
Parkas are a common article of clothing that swimmers will wear to stay warm either on deck or during the winter season. If you are in need of something to keep you warm, make sure to add a parka to your list.
Quick-Dry Towel
The most frustrating thing at swim meets is when your towel absorbs water too fast, and it doesn’t dry! A quick dry towel would easily solve this problem so be sure to add it to your list.
Music is one of the most common ways to get hyped up before race day. A new pair of headphones or ear buds would be a perfect gift for a swimmer.
Many swimmers like to wear a watch during practice so that they can track their distance, BPM, stroke count, etc. A watch would be an ideal gift for a technical swimmer who is interested in tracking their workouts!
Normatec Compression Boots
At the college level, a common recovery method for swimmers is to wear the Normatec compression boots to reduce soreness and improve blood circulation. This gift would definitely be on the expensive side, but it is a great gift to keep in mind for swimmers who are looking to prioritize their recovery.
I hope you find this list of 10 gift ideas helpful this holiday season!