Home Aquatic Gal Groumi Sets Meet Record in 200 IM

Gal Groumi Sets Meet Record in 200 IM


Big Ten Men’s Championships, Night 2: Gal Groumi Sets Meet Record in 200 IM

After a stellar morning swim, there was no catching Michigan’s Gal Groumi in the men’s 200 IM Thursday night at the Big Ten Championships.

Groumi went 1:40.48, routing the five-year-old meet record set of Indiana’s Vini Lanza. He led a 1-2 finish for Michigan, which took four of the top five spots. It’s one of several lead changes in a wide open meet in the team standings.

All the action from McCorkle Aquatic Pavilion:

Team Standings

                  Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 5                  
  1. Michigan, University of         361.5   2. Wisconsin, University of        322.5
  3. Indiana University                322   4. Ohio State University             272
  5. University of Minnesota         173.5   6. Northwestern University           161
  7. Purdue University               154.5   8. Pennsylvania State University     147

500 freestyle

The 500 free brought high drama, thanks to Yigit Aslan. The Wisconsin junior surged in the final 50 to get over Minnesota’s Bar Soloveychik by .29 seconds. Aslan went 4:11.20, Soloveychik 4:11.49. Aslan split 23.64 coming home to surge past Soloveychik’s 24.08.

Ohio State’s Alex Axon finished third in 4:13.90, ahead of Northwestern’s Andrew Martin. Buckeyes finished third, fifth, sixth and seventh to leapfrog over overnight leader Indiana and into the lead, with Wisconsin second. The Hoosiers are fourth. That’s lead change No. 1.

Event 3  Men 500 Yard Freestyle
     B1G Meet: ! 4:09.29  2/22/2018 Felix O Auboeck, Michigan
                 4:10.74  A NCAA Qualifying
                 4:21.99  B NCAA Provisional
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Aslan, Yigit     JR Wisconsin-B1      4:13.35    4:11.20 B       32  
                 23.52        48.91 (25.39)
        1:14.48 (25.57)     1:40.06 (25.58)
        2:05.47 (25.41)     2:30.95 (25.48)
        2:56.72 (25.77)     3:22.59 (25.87)
        3:47.56 (24.97)     4:11.20 (23.64)
  2 Soloveychik, Ba  JR Minnesota-B1      4:12.76    4:11.49 B       28  
                 23.12        48.32 (25.20)
        1:13.61 (25.29)     1:39.12 (25.51)
        2:04.81 (25.69)     2:30.63 (25.82)
        2:56.54 (25.91)     3:22.32 (25.78)
        3:47.41 (25.09)     4:11.49 (24.08)
  3 Axon, Alex       SO Ohio State-B1     4:14.89    4:13.90 B       27  
                 23.36        49.00 (25.64)
        1:14.70 (25.70)     1:40.53 (25.83)
        2:06.30 (25.77)     2:32.00 (25.70)
        2:57.81 (25.81)     3:23.67 (25.86)
        3:49.38 (25.71)     4:13.90 (24.52)
  4 Martin, Andrew   GR Northwestern-B1   4:16.06    4:14.62 B       26  
                 23.59        49.40 (25.81)
        1:15.52 (26.12)     1:41.28 (25.76)
        2:07.15 (25.87)     2:33.02 (25.87)
        2:58.78 (25.76)     3:24.45 (25.67)
        3:49.75 (25.30)     4:14.62 (24.87)
  5 Metzler, Alex    JR Ohio State-B1     4:17.78    4:15.78 B       25  
                 23.43        48.78 (25.35)
        1:14.24 (25.46)     1:40.09 (25.85)
        2:06.30 (26.21)     2:32.56 (26.26)
        2:59.05 (26.49)     3:25.19 (26.14)
        3:50.91 (25.72)     4:15.78 (24.87)
  6 Clark, Charles   SR Ohio State-B1     4:16.41    4:16.62 B       24  
                 23.67        49.32 (25.65)
        1:15.04 (25.72)     1:40.65 (25.61)
        2:06.50 (25.85)     2:32.29 (25.79)
        2:58.29 (26.00)     3:24.24 (25.95)
        3:50.48 (26.24)     4:16.62 (26.14)
  7 Campbell, Samue  SO Ohio State-B1     4:15.49    4:19.08 B       23  
                 23.63        49.22 (25.59)
        1:15.01 (25.79)     1:41.13 (26.12)
        2:07.27 (26.14)     2:33.72 (26.45)
        3:00.19 (26.47)     3:27.06 (26.87)
        3:53.77 (26.71)     4:19.08 (25.31)
  8 Zucker, Logan    SO Michigan-B1       4:17.31    4:20.11 B       22  
                 23.83        49.48 (25.65)
        1:15.66 (26.18)     1:41.83 (26.17)
        2:07.74 (25.91)     2:34.13 (26.39)
        3:00.42 (26.29)     3:27.22 (26.80)
        3:54.20 (26.98)     4:20.11 (25.91)

200 individual medley

Gal Groumi went 1:40.48, routing the 1:41.05 meet record that had stood since 2019. That’s an A cut for the Israeli international.

It’s a 1-2 for Israeli-via-Michigan swimmers, with Eitan Ben-Shitrit second in 1:42.26. Michigan also finished fourth and fifth, with Colin Geer and Jacques Wenger, to jump into first. Indiana is back up to second with Ohio State down to fourth.

Kaiser Neverman of Minnesota won bronze in 1:42.75. Wisconsin finished seventh and eighth.

Event 4  Men 200 Yard IM
     B1G Meet: ! 1:41.05  2/28/2019 Vinicius M Lanza, Indiana
                 1:41.03  A NCAA Qualifying
                 1:46.16  B NCAA Provisional
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Cohen Groumi, G  JR Michigan-B1       1:41.76    1:40.48!A       32  
                 21.49        46.07 (24.58)
        1:15.68 (29.61)     1:40.48 (24.80)
  2 Ben-Shitrit, Ei  SO Michigan-B1       1:42.61    1:42.26 B       28  
                 21.88        46.79 (24.91)
        1:17.04 (30.25)     1:42.26 (25.22)
  3 Neverman, Kaise  SR Minnesota-B1      1:43.08    1:42.75 B       27  
                 22.16        48.18 (26.02)
        1:17.55 (29.37)     1:42.75 (25.20)
  4 Geer, Colin      FR Michigan-B1       1:43.22    1:42.82 B       26  
                 22.19        47.57 (25.38)
        1:17.81 (30.24)     1:42.82 (25.01)
  5 Wenger, Jacque   JR Michigan-B1       1:44.02    1:43.14 B       25  
                 22.09        47.57 (25.48)
        1:18.01 (30.44)     1:43.14 (25.13)
  6 Barr, Luke       JR Indiana-B1        1:43.45    1:43.20 B       24  
                 22.14        47.34 (25.20)
        1:17.60 (30.26)     1:43.20 (25.60)
  7 Morris, Christo  JR Wisconsin-B1      1:43.95    1:43.72 B       23  
                 22.73        49.01 (26.28)
        1:19.66 (30.65)     1:43.72 (24.06)
  8 Mark Torok, Dom  SO Wisconsin-B1      1:43.07    1:44.34 B       22  
                 22.63        48.68 (26.05)
        1:18.53 (29.85)     1:44.34 (25.81)

50 freestyle

The Badgers are back up to second on the back of Taiko Torepe-Ormsby, who defended his top seed from the morning by going 18.76 to win the 50 free comfortably. Bence Szabados of Michigan was second in 19.00, and Penn State’s Victor Baganha finished third.

Finlay Brooks of Indiana tied with Wisconsin’s Andrew Benson for fourth. Indiana finished ninth, 13th and 14th in the B final, not exactly maximizing return.

 Event 5  Men 50 Yard Freestyle
     B1G Meet: ! 18.69  2/22/2018 Bowen Becker, Minnesota
                 18.82  A NCAA Qualifying
                 19.79  B NCAA Provisional
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Torepe-Ormsby,   SO Wisconsin-B1        19.15      18.76 A       32  
                  9.06         18.76 (9.70)
  2 Szabados, Bence  SR Michigan-B1         19.18      19.00 B       28  
                  9.23         19.00 (9.77)
  3 Baganha, Victor  JR Penn State-B1       19.37      19.14 B       27  
                  9.22         19.14 (9.92)
  4 Brooks, Finlay   JR Indiana-B1          19.41      19.37 B       25.5
                  9.22        19.37 (10.15)
  4 Benson, Andrew   SR Wisconsin-B1        19.58      19.37 B       25.5
                  9.27        19.37 (10.10)
  6 Baltes, Daniel   JR Ohio State-B1       19.60      19.45 B       24  
                  9.44        19.45 (10.01)
  7 Ray, Tyler       SO Michigan-B1         19.47      19.48 B       23  
                  9.25        19.48 (10.23)
  8 Wiegand, Ben     SO Wisconsin-B1        19.59      19.56 B       22  
                  9.39        19.56 (10.17)

1-meter diving


400 medley relay



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