NISCA Accepting High School All-America Applications for Winter Season (See Details)
The Winter Season NISCA All America applications are due on March 31st! Make sure that your All America Athletes get recognized, whether they are swimmers, divers, water polo players or seniors with a minimum 3.75 GPA. NISCA provides several programs to recognize our outstanding High School Aquatics athletes, but ALL of the programs require an application to be submitted before an athlete can be recognized. You DO NOT have to be a NISCA member to submit an application, but it’s cheaper if you are!!
- All America Swimming – Meet or exceed a published time standard. Top 100 times submitted in each event make the list.
- All America Para Swimming – Have a U.S. Paralympic Swimming Classification and meet or exceed a published time standard.
- All America Diving – submit up to 2 videos of an 11 dive meet. Videos are judged by a panel of judges from around the country, top 100 scores from that panel make the list.
- All America Water Polo – Coach submits a nomination form for any athlete they think should receive the honor. The applications are judged and teams are selected based on the information on the submitted application.
- Academic All America – Seniors who have maintained a cumulative GPA of above 3.75 (on a 4.0 scale) and earned a varsity letter on your team. Applications, signatures and a copy of the athlete’s transcript must be submitted to be placed on the list and earn this award.
- Scholar Team – 3 levels of recognition for teams of 12 or more athletes with an average cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher. Applications must be submitted in order to be on the list.
For NISCA members, applications are free (diving applications are at a reduced cost, but not free). You can join NISCA at any time for $75. For non NISCA members the cost per application is $40. Each season has a deadline. The deadline for the winter season is March 31st. After the deadline, all apps are subject to a $30 per application late fee.
On June 15th at Midnight Eastern Time the application portals close, and no further applications are accepted. Athletes without an application will not be considered for the list.
You can check to see if your athlete’s application has been submitted and accepted by looking for them on the Applications Processed list, which can be found as a link of the right menu pane of each of the award pages. If you do not see your athlete’s name on the list, please contact the appropriate AA Chairperson immediately!